Schrödinger’s Grenade A physicist builds a grenade that only explodes when unobserved. Nations scramble to outstare each other, the military bans blinking, and civilization collapses into an arms race of wide-eyed paranoia.
The Ant That Broke Light A scientist defies physics by launching an ant past the speed of light. What follows is a breakthrough, a catastrophe, or both—scratch that, just a catastrophe.
SPHERICAL CHICKENS A scientist creates spherical chickens—headless, legless, rolling meat orbs. The world spirals into economic collapse, culinary outrage, and mass executions in France. As markets crash and governments panic, one thing becomes clear: this is only the beginning.
Gary Gets a Goat A goat, for reasons unknown, decides that peace is no longer an option. What follows is an unhinged rampage of hooves, violence, and disproportionate fury. No one is safe. No one is spared. It didn’t need a reason—it just needed an opportunity.
The Potluck of Doom Some foods hurt. This one altered reality. One bite, and the mind unravels—sweat pours, vision blurs, and existence becomes a distant memory. Was it food? A chemical weapon? A portal to another dimension? No one knows. What’s certain is that no one walked away the same.